CGT and the family home: expats and foreigners targeted again

The Government has resurrected its plan to remove access to the main residence exemption for non-residents – a move that will impact on expats and foreign residents.


Back in the 2017-18 Federal Budget, the Government announced that it would remove the ability for non-resident taxpayers to claim the main residence exemption. The unpopular measures were introduced into Parliament but stymied. An election later, a recomposition of Parliament, and the Government has again introduced the reforms but in a modified form. 

3 Questions To Ask Yourself About The Future Of Your Business

With 2020 just around the corner, advancements in technology and how they relate to our businesses are a hot topic and one that can leave you wondering how in the world your company is every going to survive without a robot sitting at your reception desk.

There is one part to the story that will never change in a world that feels like it is spinning faster and faster.

How To Turn Your Service-Based Business Into A Valuable Asset

If your business requires you to go to work every day and cannot survive if you step away from it for a week or so, what you have is not a business, it is just like Chris’s – a job. And it may even be a job that pays you less than someone else would pay you to do the same job in your area of expertise. You may even have staff working for you, it doesn’t mean you have scaled successfully.

How To Make It Rain in your Cashflow Drought

Growing up on a farm in NSW, the subject of conversation around the dinner table was more often than not about the weather. Was it going to rain, was it not going to rain. Droughts are a common thing in Australian agricultural industry and my heart goes out to all those affected severely by the drought this year….