Pirate Ships and Navy Commanders… Here’s How They Relate To Your Business

In a world where disruption has been worn like a badge of honour on the chests of entrepreneurs and start-up founders, it is little wonder that business owners have become a disorientated with concepts of organisational structure, and company procedures. I get it - it all seems a little boring and dull in the light of words like ‘agility’ ‘accelerator’ ‘boot-strapping’ and ‘growth hacking’….

This Isn’t Working. I Think We Should Break Up…

Words you always feel awful saying, and even worse - hearing. You can breathe a sigh of relief today though, as it’s not the relationship with your partner or spouse that we will be talking about.

Although you probably know already how much pressure your business can put on your home life. But just like a relationship, we all know that good one’s take a bit of work and effort. So does your business….


Why Your Small Business Needs An Organisational Structure

The other day, I sat down to have a conversation with a guy, who we’ll call Bill. He runs a service-based business and we eventually got into a conversation around what the issues were that were stressing him out…

 “I just feel like I have to do everything. Clients seem to constantly be chasing me for their work, I am always behind – putting out fires – and the phone just keeps on ringing….

How To Go The Whole Nine Yards With Your Business Strategy

80% of business leaders feel that their company is good at crafting strategy but only 44% at its implementation. In addition to this, 85% of teams spend less than 1 hour a month discussing strategy.

So like most small business owners, you probably put a lot of time, effort and resources into your company’s strategy but potentially struggle when it finally comes to executing that strategy. Sound familiar?

How To Future-Proof Your Business

As a small business owner, уоur аbіlіtу tо bе аblе tо рlаn fоr thе futurе аnd соnduсt busіnеss іn а stаblе аnd рrеdісtаblе еnvіrоnmеnt wіll рut уоur busіnеss оn а suссеssful fооtіng еvеn durіng tоugh tіmеs. Learn how to future-proof your business today.